Friday, November 30, 2007

Bills bills bills...

£921 and counting... Let's hope the good people at Healthy Pets pay up on the insurance or it's looking like a lean Christmas.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Better news!

So we've just heard from the vets and Mister is on the mend and he can come home tonight! He has even managed to eat and go to the loo on his own which is good news. We have to give him a little physiotherapy every now and then to make sure that he can use his legs again, we'll post some pictures of this soon! The picture is of Mister in happier and healthier times.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The offending fracture

So this is what we are dealing with. You can see Mister's fracture circled in red. And tonight he's spending his second night up the road at the vets.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Bangkok Hilton

So this is to be Mister’s home for the next few weeks. The cage doesn’t sit well in my newly decorated living room but needs must. He’s not particularly pleased about it either but at least he’s home.